This article is a small update on the progress made already in 2019 and a thank you to all contractors / clients who P1 have had the pleasure of working with soo far.

Our team have had an extremely busy 2019 which has led to our Sales department meeting customers throughout the whole of Europe and North America.

We have seen an extremely high demand for painters, Sheet Metal Workers , mechanics and Avionics staff from all of our customers.

Behind the scenes P1 has updated all our software systems to ensure our customers and contractors receive only the best service from our recruitment and finance / administration team.

Everybody at P1 is excited with the projects we have scheduled for the rest of 2019 and we aim to deliver an unparalleled service to prove we truly are different from the rest.

Once again thank you to all our candidates and customers, we wish you all a successful future and hope to be working on a project with you very soon !

Yours Sincerely

George Stitt

Director of P1 Services